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【座標禁止】ポケモンGO 実機位置偽装スレ Part67

48 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2019/07/17(水) 01:06:34.43 ID:KLEoVQdY.net
Create User and Device Passwords with new Backend
- Open tinyurl.com/madauth and auth with your patreon account
- You get your password for the new Backend (SAVE IT!)
- Login into the new backend (auth.maddev.de)
- Open password management and create a new device password

Use new APK (www.maddev.de/apk/PogoDroid.apk)
Login with patreon mailaddress and Device Password

- The backend login password is not the device password
- If you forgot the password for the backend just reauth

The next APK dont support the old token login - so please switch as soon as possible

総レス数 1002
177 KB

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★