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1 ::2019/08/24(土) 10:09:00.30 ID:IwFq38/i0●.net ?2BP(2000)
Even before the export curb, the two countries’ relations had already hit their lowest point since Korea’s liberation from Japan at the end of World War II in 1945. Seoul has repeatedly demanded that Tokyo make a credible apology for its wartime atrocities, including forcing sex slaves — known as “comfort women” — to work for Japanese military brothels.
Tokyo insists that is has done enough. In addition, the thorny issue of tiny Dokdo Islands that lie between the two countries has been simmering for decades.
South Korea has controlled the island group, which it regards as part of its sovereign territory, since the 1950s — yet Japan insists that the islands belong to it.
The incident involving the Russian and Chinese jets, which flew over the area, predictably triggered a fresh quarrel: Japan protested the warning shots fired by South Korea against the jets because it says Seoul has no jurisdiction in the area.


ソウルは、性的強制を含む戦時中の残虐行為に対して信頼できる謝罪をすることを東京に繰り返し要求しました 「慰安婦」として知られる奴隷は日本の軍の売春宿で働く。 東京はこれで十分だと主張している。
さらに、両国の間にある小さな独島の厄介な問題は、何十年もの間煮詰められてきました。 韓国は1950年代以来、主権領土の一部と見なしている島のグループを支配してきましたが、日本は島がそれに属していると主張しています。

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